You Are Unique!
U.R.U. and Associates (You Are Unique) is founded by Ms Jeronda Bordenave who is an inspirational speaker, instructor, trainer and life-coach with over 16 years of corporate and non-profit business and leadership experience. This entity has an experienced team of business, leadership and organization development experts who understand the dynamics of establishing an innovative and creative business infrastructure, training and empowering leaders and teams to perform at their maximum potential. Their consultants bring a diverse set of business experiences, academic backgrounds and personalities to consulting engagements. URU Associates pride themselves on understanding the full dynamics and challenges that small business, non-profit and faith-based organizations face.
U R U Associates

This experience is the BEST!!!
Baby Bash and Bing Expo & Show - Monica Byrd
This is a childhood friend of mine! We spent our entire elementary and high school years together so when I tell you that Monica Byrd has a heart of GOLD, I know what I'm talking about!!! Monica is the creator and style innovator of Baby Bash and Bling Expo & Show which is an interactive lifestyle expo celebrating expecting moms! Discover new and interesting parenting tools, health and safety products, fashion trends, nutrition tips, baby furnishing while viewing the “Bump the Runway”TM fashion show and enjoying an afternoon of signature drinks, swag bags and sweet treats to satisfy your bump cravings. This experience is the BEST!!!

Luxe Branding at its Best
6 Luxe Designs Branding Studio
This branding service is owned and operated by Mrs. Chandra Douglas. Chandra is by far one of the most gifted individuals I have EVER come in contact with!!! He passion and commitment to make dreams a reality is shown in EVERYTHING she puts her hands to!!! Her expertise in the corporate Human Resources world gives her the insight necessary to build your brand into something of an optimal level. She is the brains behind the brand and design of Resilience!
For more information email Chandra at

You are a Champion
Champion Promise Foundation
This Women’s Movement is founded by Nikia Hammonds-Blakely who is a 2 time cancer survivor!!! It is designed to educate and empower other women to champion their health while encouraging others to do the same. The movement will educate audiences on the risks and available education, screenings and treatments of breast cancer; the prevention of childhood obesity; and the promotion of breast health and overall healthy lifestyle commitment. Check out her site!!!
Trust your Instincts...
Often times in life we find ourselves second guessing our gifts and abilities. We find ourselves smothered with uncertainties. In this book Bishop T.D. Jakes reminds us and reinforces that it is ok to trust our instincts. Instincts are given to us to assist us on our path to our potential and purpose. Lean on them! Rely on them! Trust them!!!
Make Time for God...
This journal written by Ms Jeronda Bordenave will assist you in making time for GOD! Whether it is for worship, direction or HIS ultimate plan for your life this journal gives It uses everyday issues of life mixed with humor to encourage us to press forward. This is a read for every woman!!! Each day you will walk away feeling hopeful, motivated, optimistic and encouraged.
Do You have Dreams and Aspirations...
All of us have dreams and aspirations in life that we want to come to pass. The issue comes as to whether or not we are have what it takes to bring our dreams to a reality. In this book Sheryl Brady (my pastor) believes God wants us to peel away the layers we try to hide behind, dissolve the excuses we use as camouflage, and reveal the beauty of our true selves. By sharing her own life journey as well as examples from history and current culture, Pastor Brady encourages us to reconsider the way we see ourselves and to reframe our own understanding of how we got there. Resilience is a movement today partly because of the knowledge I gained by reading this book.
Instinct: The Power to Unleash your Inborn Drive”

“Me Moments with the Master”
Ms Jeronda Bordenave

“You Have it in You”
Sheryl Brady

“It Pushed Me”
JJ Hairston and Youthful Praise
Every now and then we need extra encouragement and reassurance that we are right where we need to be. This song talks about how GOD uses various situations and circumstances to “Push” us to become who HE purposed me to be.

“I Didn’t Know My Own Strength”
Whitney Houston
Whitney Houston reminds us that no matter what struggle we endure we are resilient enough to bounce back! Here’s the thing, we may not think that we have what it takes to do it but WE DO!!! Take it one day at a time, one step at a time, one moment at a time and we will come to find out we were not built to break……we didn’t know our own STRENGTH!!!!

Dedicated 2 the Max Nilly
Nilly (Seanil Reed) is an rap artist that goes hard with his music. His drive, zeal and passion shows forth is all of his music. His edgy lyrics are relevant to today’s issues and can relate directly to everyone especially the younger demographic. Here’s the twist, ALL of his lyrics are positive in nature and encourages ALL listeners to strive for perfection and rise above all obstacle encountered in life. In this mix tape “Dedicated 2 the MAX” he stresses the need of prioritizing life by learning the important lessons in life and by immolating those who have paved the way through GREATNESS! It captivates different facets of life and stresses how dedication can be applied whether it be finances, relationships, conquering prejudice or competing in sports. Nilly exhibits excellence with his hard flow, witty metaphors and his overall positive image. “Dedicated 2 the Max” is a MUST LISTEN! This young man is going places and as a member of “Nilly Nation” I am privileged to go along for the ride!